Year 6
Year 6: Mrs Baldwin
Class Saint: Saint Josephine Bakhita
Our RE topic this half term is 'Being a Sacramental Person'.
Our focus question that we have been thinking about is:
How is God present in the world?
We are focusing on the Sacraments with a particular focus on the Sacraments of Healing: Anointing the Sick and Reconciliation.
Class Information
Our Class Motto is: Dream Believe Achieve
Our class rules are:
- - Be respectful to everyone.
- - Include everyone and always be kind.
- - Be helpful.
- - Look after the classroom and the equipment.
- - Treat others how you would like to be treated.
- - Have a positive attitude to learning.
- - Be happy!
Spelling Test takes place on: Wednesday
Times Table Test takes place on: Friday
Our Educational Visit: PGL
Curriculum Information - Termly Curriculum information is available under the 'Curriculum' tab on the School Website.
Our Class assembly will be on: 6th November 2025
Our School Council Representatives are: Alonso and Liliana
Our Teaching and Learning Committee Representatives: Mia and Joseph
PE Lessons take place on: Tuesday and Friday
Meet the Teacher
Rock Star Times Table Login
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