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After School Care (ASC)

St Augustine's provides After School Care for all pupils from Reception to Year 6 at the end of the school day from 3:15pm. 

Children are given the opportunity to participate in arts and crafts, cooking, ICT games, board games, reading, outdoor games, gardening (weather permitting) and many other exciting activities under the supervision of our qualified staff.

The pupils are provided with a healthy snack of which they can choose from various options including; juice, water, milk, toast, sandwiches with butter/low fat spread, jam, honey, marmite, cheese, ham, tuna, fresh fruit, tinned fruit, and dried fruit.

There are two sessions available for After School Care:
    ASC Option 1 3:15pm – 4:15pm £6.00 per session, per child
    ASC Option 2 3:15pm – 5:30pm £9.00 per session, per child
Whichever session you choose, you will be expected to be at the ‘rainy door’ ready to collect your child. Please call the Play Leader to advise that you have arrived and they will bring your child to the ‘rainy door’ for collection by you. Contact number for ASC: 07766 819 392.

StA Extended Care 

As per the details of the ASC session above, but starting at the end of an after school activity such as netball, football, gymnastics, computer club, or other activity that external providers hold at the school.
The extra-curricular activity starts at 3:15pm until 4:15pm (unless stated otherwise). The option for a child to attend Extended Care from 4:15pm up to 5:30pm is available at a cost of £6.60 per child per session. Only children registered for the organised club will have access to this option.

Bookings must be made and paid for in advance via the School Gateway.  Please click on the icon below


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